Typical german anecdotes


With Ludwig Manfred Lommel there were produced two humoresque films in the beginning of the 1930ies. I was not able to clear whether these film still exist or how successful these films have been, but an online search results in the following documents:

1. Entscheidung der Film-Oberprüfstelle, Berlin vom 19.09.1930 bezüglich des Antrags der Aufhebung des Verbots der Reklame zu dem Film "Kasernenzauber" (Translation: Decision of the Main Film Inspection Office, Berlin, September 19, 1930, regarding the petition to cancel the ban of advertising the film "Kasernenzauber")
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2. Entscheidung der Film-Oberprüfstelle, Berlin vom 2. März 1934 bezüglich des Antrags auf teilweisen Widerruf der Zulassung des Films "Ludwig Manfred Lommel". (Translation: Decision of the Main Film Inspection Office, Berlin, March 2, 1934, regarding the petition to cancel the patial revocation of the admission of the film "Ludwig Manfred Lommel")
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pdf-documents, the viewer you'll get here:

ad 1.: The poster of the film "Kasernenzauber" was forbidden for the text mentioned the term "roast pork" (Schweinebraten), which might be correlated to the depicted young girl and therefor has a crude effect on the viewer. This is the Decision of the Inspection Office regarding the petition the ban of advertising by the producer.

ad 2.:  Roughly said the country government of Württembergt ook offence at two scenes resp. texts: morally und violating the reputation of the German people. Fortunately rational thinking defeats the german thoroughness and upcoming morality.

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